Locating Consumer Financial Regulation, 46 Cardozo Law Review (forthcoming 2025).
#Fintok and Financial Regulation 54 Arizona State Law Journal 333 (2023), co-authored with C. Odinet, University of Iowa, and D. B. Valdovinos-Kaye, University of Leeds.
Featured on Consumer Law and Policy Blog, Duke FinReg Blog, and Ballard Spahr’s Consumer Finance Monitor Podcast.
AI, Fintech, and the Evolving Regulation of Consumer Financial Privacy, in the Oxford Handbook of AI Governance, edited by J. Bullock et al., Oxford University Press (2022).
The Norms of Algorithmic Credit Scoring 80 Cambridge Law Journal 42 (2021).
Featured on NYU GovLab blog and The Syllabus. Cited by the European Data Protection Supervisor.
The New Morality of Debt 58 Finance and Development 28 (2021).
Featured on the IMF podcast and the IMF Blog, Podcasts Year in Review.
Fintech Credit and Consumer Financial Protection, in the Routledge Handbook of Financial Technology and Law, edited by I. Chiu and G. Deipenbrock, Routledge, 2021, pp. 138-156.
Machine Learning, Big Data and the Regulation of Consumer Credit Markets: The Case of Algorithmic Credit Scoring, in Autonomous Systems and the Law, edited by N. Aggarwal et al, Beck, 2019, pp. 37-43.
Featured on Legal Theory Blog.
Strengthening the contractual framework for sovereign debt restructuring – the IMF’s perspective 11 Capital Markets Law Journal 25 (2016), co-authored with C. DeLong, International Monetary Fund.
Eurozone Financial Rescue and Stabilization Mechanisms and their Legal Foundations, in Sovereign Debt Management, edited by R. M. Lastra and L. Buchheit, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 417-441, co-authored with A. Yianni, Clifford Chance.
Legal Underpinnings of an EU Banking Union, in From Fragmentation to Financial Integration in Europe, edited by Charles Enoch et al, IMF, 2013, pp. 193-205, co-authored with B. Jansen and A. Gullo, International Monetary Fund.
Amazon’s Pricing Paradox, 37 Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 1 (2024), co-authored with R. Van Loo, Boston University.
Featured on pluralistic.net.
The Ethics of Algorithms: Key Problems and Solutions 37 AI and Society (2021), co-authored with A. Tsamados, J. Cowls, J. Morley, H. Roberts, R. Taddeo and L. Floridi, Oxford Internet Institute.
The Ethical Debate about the Gig Economy: A Review and Critical Analysis 65 Technology in Society (2021), co-authored with Z. Tan, J. Cowls, J. Morley, R. Taddeo and L. Floridi, Oxford Internet Institute.
Introduction to the Special Issue on Intercultural Digital Ethics 33 Philosophy and Technology 547 (2020).
Special Issue of Philosophy and Technology on Intercultural Digital Ethics. Springer (2020).
What if Facebook Goes Down? Ethical and Legal Considerations for the Demise of Big Tech 9 Internet Policy Review (2020), co-authored with C. Öhman, Uppsala University.
Towards the Ethical Publication of Country of Origin Information (COI) in the Asylum Process 30 Minds and Machines 247 (2020), co-authored with L. Floridi, Oxford Internet Institute.
Artificial Intelligence Crime: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Foreseeable Threats and Solutions 26 Science and Engineering Ethics 89 (2020), co-authored with T. King, R. Taddeo and L. Floridi, Oxford Internet Institute.
Featured on Legal Theory Blog.
Book Review: The Political Economy of Robots: Prospects for Prosperity and Peace in the Automated 21st Century 95 International Affairs 727 (2019).
Autonomous Systems and the Law. Beck, 2019, co-edited with H. Eidenmüller, L. Enriques, J. Payne and K. Van Zwieten.